Friday, April 8, 2011


Welcome avid tattoo aficionado or casual reader! The blog you have stumbled upon is here to write about everything you may or may not want to know about tattooing. My name is Kathryn and I currently have 7 tattoos. They all, in some way, describe where I was in my life at the point that I got them. I cannot remember specifically when I first became interested in tattoos, but I know my hairdresser was a big influence in how I go about getting tattooed but that’s another story for another time. I’ve had the bug since the very first one. If you don’t have any tattoos, I foreworn you now, you will get the bug. I will write about the artists I went to, why I went to them, who I wish to go to in the future, how to deal with disapproving audiences, and my experiences being in tattoo shops or around tattoo culture. I will try to answer the questions I had before I got my first tattoo and any questions I still have. I will post pictures and profiles on shops or artists. Also expect anything else I find interesting and relevant. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you.


  1. I plan on getting ink when I get in shape. I will use your blog as a guide to find the right place for it.

  2. Thank you, I will do my best to point you in the right direction. Congratulations on getting in shape, it is definitely a heroic task and I commend you for it.
