Friday, April 22, 2011

Introduction to Getting a Tattoo

Wanting to get your first tattoo but don't have a clue where to start? Last post we covered the different styles of tattoos. Now that we've covered that, you should have a clearer idea of what you're looking for. I will start a 6 part series on the process of getting a tattoo. It will cover everything you need to know before going in, while sitting in the chair, and when you leave.

Step 1: Find an artist/shop - This post will help point you in the right direction of what to look for in the right artist for what you want to have done.

Step 2: The Consultation - So you've found a couple artist's that you really like, next is the consultation. This is when you go meet the artist that you really like and discuss what you want to have done and to see if the tattoo and artist will be a good fit - and most importantly, that you like the artist too.

Step 3: The Day Of - A walk through of before you go into the shop the day of your appointment.

Step 4: Sitting in the Chair - Tips to deal with pain and calming the nerves.

Step 5: Tipping/Paying - Ways to keep everyone involved happy.

Step 6: Healing - Every tattoo artist will offer aftercare advice, but everyone heals their tattoos differently. These are some different suggestions in case what the artist recommends doesn't work out. We'll also cover how you'll know the aftercare remedy isn't working since it's different for everyone.

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