Friday, April 15, 2011

DIY Tattoos

Like to Do-It-Yourself as much as possible? Well, if you really want to, you can even DIY tattoos! It involves india ink, a pencil, a jar lid, and a sewing needle. Or, calligraphy pens look super classy, and have two prongs and have a little well to hold the ink. I personally don't have any and will probably never have any. Call me a coward, but I just don't think I can handle that. The process is much slower than with a machine as you are literally being poked with a single needle over and over, one at a time (or if you use a calligraphy pen, two at a time).

Plenty of people love them and some people are very talented at giving stick-n-poke tattoos and they can look really beautiful. Nowadays they are the modern version of what Ploynesian peoples and certain tribal groups all over the world practiced. This form of tattooing has been around since at least the Neolithic times. Tattooing was mainly used for identification and rank within the tribes and groups of people. These traditions are still continued today in places like Thailand, Philippines, Africa, South America, Japan, Cambodia, and New Zealand.

If you decide to get a stick-n-poke tattoo, I advise you to be safe and make sure everything is new and fresh and of course, make sure you love whatever tattoo you decide to get. Today I will leave you with some my roommate and her best friend stick-n-poke's.

Edit: The day after this was posted I stumbled upon the blog, Draw to Death. It is mostly drawings done by the creator, Alex Snelgrove, but there are a couple stick-n-poke tattoos like this bride of Frankensteinand this whale.

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